Standing Room Only

Jeanette DePatie Executive Produced an event on AR and VR for Tech@WB–an internal resource group for Warner Bros. that helps employees understand what the company is doing and creating in the technology space.  Jeanette worked with Co-Producer Gina Cavalier and created an event to help top WB execs understand Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality.

After the RSVPs started pouring in, the event had to be moved to a larger venue.  On the day of the event, the line stretched around the block on the movie lot.  In the end, there were not enough seats in the 500+ seat theater and some latecomers had to be turned away.

The Demos

The event featured over 50 demo stations with AR, VR and MR content that could be experienced by each of the attendees.  The demos ran smoothly and many WB team members had a chance to get up close and personal with the sample content.

Demo Stations
Audience Members
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Techsplaining Alternate Realities

Along with her partners at WB, Jeanette worked to break down the challenging technological concepts and present them in a way that was not only friendly for non-technical attendees, but also relevant to the every day lives and careers of WB execs.  Attendees walked away with a better understanding of the technology and an exciting glimpse into the fiscal and business opportunities contained within the ones and zeros.
