Taming the Chaos

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is one of the biggest trade shows in the world.  Spanning one week, 3 major convention centers, and nearly 2 million feet of exhibit space, many find CES bewildering and overwhelming.  In concert with her partners at StoryTech, Jeanette DePatie helped tame the chaos with VIP briefings, and live guided tours

Get your comfy shoes on!

The live guided tours at CES are 2 hours of intense, techsplaining fun.  But as Jeanette can attest, this is not the place for cute but impractical shoes.  The CES Impact tours threaded through miles of convention center.  At the peak of the event, Jeanette racked up over 25,000 steps per day–all for the good cause of helping people find context for the over 20,000 products on the show floor.

Steps per Day
Products Shown
People Visiting